Sunday, 30 October 2011

The Gatherums and Church Street

The herbs and vegetables in The Gatherums are still growing well but it will soon be time to take the marigolds out and replace them.
Ideas at the moment are garlic and winter lettuce. We have a few leeks in one bed with chard and kale.
On Thursday the next stage in Church Street will be another raised bed next to the leeks.
So now three plots in Louth showing how easy it is to grow food in a small space and lots of interesting comments and conversations as we garden.

King Edward's

As you can see the garden has changed! There is now a fence enclosing the garden making it quite secluded and protected.
We enjoyed a couple of hours collecting leaves, harvesting chard, squash and a few delicious raspberries.
Welcome to Charlotte, it was interesting to hear ideas from her travels and good to have extra help.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

We made compost!

Until you've made your own compost it's hard to imagine the strong emotional
bond that is formed with a pile of rotting organic matter as it tumbles
from the base of the compost bin...we made soil, real plant growing soil!!

We had a good 3 hours in the garden today and we...

Harvested chard, beetroot, and onions
Planted garlic bulbs
Sowed some winter tares (a green manure that we've put round the blackcurrant
bushes and in bed 5).
Transplanted strawberry runners into bed 22
Swept up 3 wheelbarrow of leaves and caged for mulch production
Transplanted the cardoon in the herb bed..hope it's ok!
Spread remaining horse manure around rhubarb.
Discovered compost!!